allister flexing to show me how big and scary he can be. ok. the face is scary. olivers turn to show me what he's got, you cant see here, but his face kinda shakes, haha! wesley is just baaad!!!! he doesnt even have to make a face b/c his sleeve says it all with all those pirate tattoos!!!
i must have snuck up on them or said something to them for them to both make those faces. that is typical me though, i love expressions instead of posed pictures.
oliver uses his ape toes to climb the bars! haha! he thinks he is spiderman.
brody and jonas, the 2 cutest twins i know. liz and dan's boys came over one day. brody is on the left, and jonas is on the right, i want to say they were about 10 months here. they were just starting to pull themselves up to stand.
brody brody again, i think i didnt get a good pic of jonas b/c he wasnt smiling that day but they are twins, they look pretty much the same. ; )
wesley loves listening to danny elfman. nightmare before Christmas, beetle juice, harry potter, etc. in fact all the boys request that everytime i let them choose the music.
im just writing to say that i did not die, i will post as soon as i get my iphoto/computer problems fixed. should be this weekend hopefully. not posting is so fustrating, i have way too many pics waiting. im ready to be a "photo/blog queen" soon once again!!!!