Tuesday, August 28, 2007

tummy time

wesley playing on the floor with oliver's lion

Sunday, August 26, 2007


oliver sees me using the bjorn all the time, so he had me put my bjorn on him with his fave lion stuffed animal. he was just walking around carrying lion around. so cute!


the boys and i were gifted by redlight pr (a company jeremy works with). they were having fun trying them on.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


oliver +


no matter how many times i shampooed his hair, he smelled like desitin for about a week!

dad and wesley

dad and wesley pose more me

Monday, August 13, 2007

hot days

allister and oliver cool off at the slip and slide.

mom and baby

allister's my little photographer again

wee little bayba!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

wesley's photoshoot

here is wesley about a month old (not really sure how old he is).

Saturday, August 11, 2007

so young

here is wesley less than a day old.

birth of wesley!

its a boy!!!

jeremy cutting cord, he's got this down by now

i know i can definitly use some make up and a hair brush, but give me a break, i just popped out an 8 1/2lb baby! hehe!

wesley's first nursing

wesley paddington davis, 8lbs 6oz. born tan. he's got brown hair and brown eyes. im posting this alot later and he still has brown hair and brown eyes!!! finally one of my sons looks like me.

induce me!

we're in the hospital ready to see our 3rd!!!
he didnt want to come out on his due day which was march 15th, so dr. han decides to induce me on march 19th.
here we go!